Join us for easter!
We would love for you and your family to join us for our Easter experience as we celebrate Jesus - the One who gave His life and arose three days later! Start a new tradition by bringing those you love to Easter at Church By The Beach.
We will also have the best easter candy experience for our CBTB KIDZ ministry. With over 10,000 Easter candies. More candy than any kid should EVER EAT!!

Egg hunt
Are you looking for a fun and meaningful way to celebrate Easter Sunday with your family? Look no further than Church By The Beach! We're excited to announce our special Easter weekend event with the best Easter candy and celebration service that your family is certain to enjoy.
First, we're inviting all kids to come by for our candy giveaway featuring over 10,000 pieces of candy! We'll have a wide variety of Easter candy filled eggs, giveaway prizes and photo opportunities with HOPPER the Easter bunny! Each child will be able to join our CBTB Kidz service for worship and life changing message!
But that's not all! As your kids enjoy their service with our background checked and trained teachers, learning about the true meaning for Easter, we're also inviting everyone ages 12 through adult, to join us for our main Easter service. Our service will be filled with uplifting worship, an impactful message, and a warm sense of community. After the worship experience, reconnect with your kids and enjoy a NOT YOUR BASIC EGG HUNT, as a family!
So mark your calendars for Easter weekend, April 9th! We can't wait to see with you right here at Church By The Beach, 5252 Woodland Dr. Chincoteague Island Virginia, 23336, at 10:00AM.